Régis Looten artwork is profounely expressionistic. His portraits and landscapes bear traces of emotions, whose bright colors reveal a raw truth and a power against doubt, nurturing to questions that clash between Life and Death.

The works, ink on paper and monotypes, that are presented in Art Zone 42 Gallery under the title ‘Red, Black and others’, explore the paths that connect and separate both ‘Eros’ and ‘Thanatos’.  The spectator is left to unravel and tame the artist’s notions through subliminal images produced by a plethora of colors.

Regis Looten’s work indicate the perseverance of the timeless energy of the human soul, a primodial force sustainable without lying, along with the possibility of a dream without harmful illusions. His work is a declaration of a wild and brutal but affectionate and tender love at the same time.


Régis Looten was born in 1961 in the North of France. He studied drawing and painting at the local school of Fine Arts and completed his training with members of Ecole du Nord and Groupe de Roubaix. Under the influence of Jean Roulland, a great French sculptor, he exhibited for the first time in 1980 sculptures and drawings in the grande salle de l’Arsenal à Gravelines. Subsequently, he participated in numerous group exhibitions completing his apprenticeship with artists like Van Nees Steeland. Since 1979, Régis Looten is also known for his work in poetry that earned him the publication of a dozen books and the participation in poetry magazines in France and Belgium. Backed up by experts and collector such as Yves Bergeret, former curator of the Library of the Centre Beaubourg, the artist showed his work in solo exhibitions in Bordeaux, Brussels and Paris. Τhe painter explores the complementary borders of expressionism and abstraction. Régis Looten works in Paris, Brussels and Athens. His paintings are presented in private collections in France, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Greece, Britain, the United States and Canada.